Thursday, March 7, 2013

Replace the Sky

For this replace the sky, I think it worked well that I got the sun placed where the reflection on the silo looks normal. What didn't work well was I couldn't get it in the ladder on the side of the silo. Also, there wasn't a huge difference between the sky in the original picture and the sky I replaced it with, but there are more clouds in this sky.

I couldn't decide between the two replace the sky's that I did, so I'm posting them both. They both have one or two flaws. This one is obviously the light that's hitting the barns and the trees in the back. I like the sky in this one a lot better though because there is at least some color. There is also a bigger difference between this one and the original sky in the original picture.

1 comment:

  1. You did a really good job, the skies fit perfectly in both pictures. I'm glad you decided to put both on here!
