Monday, March 25, 2013

Roller Skating

Shooting roller skating was fun. I think the kids liked us there, some were showing off, and some were clearly having some trouble! I like this picture of the roller skates on the racks because the second roller skate is sticking out farther than the rest and it is the only one in focus. I think the picture also works better in black and white because the tan color of them isn't very appealing.
I like this picture because it's blurry enough to show speed, but his face is completely in focus. He is also looking towards me! His expression is my favorite part of the shot. It could have been a better picture if there wasn't such a mess in the background, but there wasn't much I could do about that.

THIS is a primary example of them showing off! These kids were pretty funny though...they were marching in their skates so we would take pictures of them. Again, it could have been better if there was nobody else in the background. One of them in the background of this one was even blurry.

This boy is having a hard time keeping his balance in this picture. I love his facial expression! It could have been better if his hands weren't blurry, but they were obviously moving pretty fast. I think this works way better in black and  white because the only color came from the helmet and the pads on his hand. It also makes it look more dramatic.
This is a good example of the ones that tried showing off. I didn't mind the show offs, they made for a better picture! This girl got very close to some of us that were taking pictures (Kelsey) when she skated by us. It might have been better if there was no other girl in the picture and I could have cropped it differently.


  1. The second photo is great and a perfect example of panning-his face is super sharp!

  2. I love the black and white kid's expression! Haha, great shot! And the panning is awesome!
