Thursday, March 7, 2013


The main subject of this photo are these footprints in the snow. I think it represents melting well because instead of having more snow underneath the foot print, it's slush. It also definitely works better in black and white because there were hardly any colors, only dark gray/black in the puddles and very white snow.
The main subject of this photo is the ice melting on the gravel. This could have worked in black and white too, but I liked it better in color. It could have been a better picture if there was more color in the gravel or something. This is for the melting assignment.

This is some ice I found on some cement we have outside our kind of looks like the ice started melting and cracking, then it froze again. It definitely works better in black and white because I could hardly tell the difference when I changed it from color! This picture is for the melting assignment.


  1. I love the bubbles in the bottom one. It has good texture :)

  2. The bottom two really beg to be black and white (like the last one)-it will bring out the "melting" idea more if color doesn't distract it.
