Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re-Edits #2


I liked this picture of my brother sledding before I edited it, but I think it looks good both ways. His expression is definitely the best part of the shot! I like the tracks that the four wheeler already left. He just looks so cute with that expression and the way he is holding on!!

Last Christmas, my aunt and uncle wanted a picture together so I volunteered to take it. It definitely could have been taken in a better setting..but we worked with what we had! I don't know if I like or dislike the reflection of the lights on the window. I think it needs to be in black and white because the lights looked weird before.

The main subject of this picture is my goat. I like the angle I took the picture combined with the angle she is looking away. I think converting it to black and white works because there is pretty much only black and white in the original so it just kind of enhances it.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Roller Skating

Shooting roller skating was fun. I think the kids liked us there, some were showing off, and some were clearly having some trouble! I like this picture of the roller skates on the racks because the second roller skate is sticking out farther than the rest and it is the only one in focus. I think the picture also works better in black and white because the tan color of them isn't very appealing.
I like this picture because it's blurry enough to show speed, but his face is completely in focus. He is also looking towards me! His expression is my favorite part of the shot. It could have been a better picture if there wasn't such a mess in the background, but there wasn't much I could do about that.

THIS is a primary example of them showing off! These kids were pretty funny though...they were marching in their skates so we would take pictures of them. Again, it could have been better if there was nobody else in the background. One of them in the background of this one was even blurry.

This boy is having a hard time keeping his balance in this picture. I love his facial expression! It could have been better if his hands weren't blurry, but they were obviously moving pretty fast. I think this works way better in black and  white because the only color came from the helmet and the pads on his hand. It also makes it look more dramatic.
This is a good example of the ones that tried showing off. I didn't mind the show offs, they made for a better picture! This girl got very close to some of us that were taking pictures (Kelsey) when she skated by us. It might have been better if there was no other girl in the picture and I could have cropped it differently.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Animal Morph

I really had fun with this assignment...I thought the morphs would turn out better if I didn't try to look good in my selfies! I think I was right. :) My goats are adorable, so that helped also. This picture on the top is probably the best, but I just had to post the other ones too. I think it's really funny that all the pictures have braces now. I like how in the second one, the eyes are looking up, and I love the mouth in the third one!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lines in Nature

I really like this picture because when I went to look for pictures, there weren't many icicles left! I got kind of lucky with this shot. I like the focus on the icicles, but the branch they are hanging from is blurry. This is for the lines in nature assignment.
These are lines of trees on my road. It definitely could have been a better picture, but it was raining and I did not have much patience. It could have been better if I found a way to not get the leaves in the front of it. This is for the lines in nature assignment.

I really don't like this picture of the road very much. It's just not very interesting. I think the angle works well in it though. There are lines from cars that had driven on it. It also looked a lot better in black and white because there were really no colors in the original.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The main subject of this photo are these footprints in the snow. I think it represents melting well because instead of having more snow underneath the foot print, it's slush. It also definitely works better in black and white because there were hardly any colors, only dark gray/black in the puddles and very white snow.
The main subject of this photo is the ice melting on the gravel. This could have worked in black and white too, but I liked it better in color. It could have been a better picture if there was more color in the gravel or something. This is for the melting assignment.

This is some ice I found on some cement we have outside our kind of looks like the ice started melting and cracking, then it froze again. It definitely works better in black and white because I could hardly tell the difference when I changed it from color! This picture is for the melting assignment.

Replace the Sky

For this replace the sky, I think it worked well that I got the sun placed where the reflection on the silo looks normal. What didn't work well was I couldn't get it in the ladder on the side of the silo. Also, there wasn't a huge difference between the sky in the original picture and the sky I replaced it with, but there are more clouds in this sky.

I couldn't decide between the two replace the sky's that I did, so I'm posting them both. They both have one or two flaws. This one is obviously the light that's hitting the barns and the trees in the back. I like the sky in this one a lot better though because there is at least some color. There is also a bigger difference between this one and the original sky in the original picture.