Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Texture

This is a fence right outside of the school. I liked the way the snow was sticking to the metal, which is what makes this good for winter texture. It was bright outside and I think that made it a better picture. I made this picture because when I saw it, it caught my attention! This is for the winter texture assignment.
 This is a picture of some sort of plant outside my house. I think the snow that's on it is what worked well in the picture. This picture could have been better if the plant was completely in focus and maybe if it was a brighter day. This is for the winter texture assignment.

The main subject of this photo is a branch of a small pine tree. I like the texture of the pine needles and the snow on it. It could have been a better picture if it was taken at an earlier time of the day. I made this picture because I wanted to test out the focus on my camera that I haven't had for very long. This is for the winter texture assignment.

1 comment:

  1. The first on has awesome texture, and I love the last one- the green with the white :)
