Monday, February 4, 2013

Professional Photographers

From John Maclean's album "Cityscapes"

From John Maclean's album "Cityscapes"
I love John Maclean's photos of cities. He either takes them in the perfect light, or at just the right time of night and gets all the lights of the city in them. The photo on top is a lit up city with mountains in the background and it looks amazing! The lighting on the second picture is perfect. There are shadows on the hills and the Hollywood sign is lit up, and the blue sky looks perfect with the clouds in it. The connection I would have to his photos would be that I love cities. I love seeing so many people, so many buildings, and seeing so many different and new things. My favorite city of all would be New Orleans. I just love trying new food, hearing new music, and meeting so many friendly people! The city with the best views I have seen though would either be Washington D.C. or Orlando, Florida. The pictures I have taken there were a lot like the one on top, but obviously not as good. The picture of the Hollywood sign reminds me of how much I want to go to California. There is where I would do a lot of sightseeing and enjoy the nice weather.

From Debbie Fleming Caffery's album "Katrina/Rita"
From Debbie Fleming Caffery's album "Destruction of Public Housing"
These photos were taken by Debbie Fleming Caffery. They are pictures of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. I feel a connection to these pictures because last summer I went to New Orleans with the youth group from my church. One of the days we were down there was our mission work day, which was probably my favorite day of the week. We were surprised to see that there was still so much to be fixed 6 years after the hurricane. The group I was in painted, cleaned, and built more walls in a school that was three floors with only three janitors. We took a tour of the city one day and went to the area that was hit worst by the hurricane. Most houses were rebuilt and are built to withstand a hurricane, but there were so many that seemed abandoned or just torn down. So these pictures just remind me of what caused the mess and what even sent us to New Orleans in the first place. I like the way Debbie Fleming Caffery takes her pictures because she can find the right angle and she is very unique. I also like the way she makes all of her pictures black and white when she takes pictures of such a serious subject.

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