Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This is a photo of some snow melting on my old swing-set. The snow melting in between the boards is the pattern. I like the way the snow is clear and the puddles are clear. This is for the patterns assignment.
The main subject of this photo is a birch tree. The white and grayish-white stripes on the tree are the pattern, and the one strip that is peeling off works well. It could have been better if the part that's peeling off and the stripes were both in focus. I made this picture for the patterns assignment.
These monkey bars are the pattern in this photo, and the main subject. The way the first one is out of focus works well. Also, it looks a lot better in black and white than it did in color. It could be better if the rest of the swing-set wasn't so ugly. I made this picture because when I was younger, I would always look through the monkey bars before I used them and when this assignment was assigned it came to my head right away.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Best of Basketball: 2012-13

 This is just a free post of some of my favorite photos I've taken of basketball this season.
I like this picture because it really shows how high Jenny can jump compared to an average player.

This is one of my favorites because it is hardly blurry and I like the angle.

It is easiest to take pictures of Matt Dux in basketball because he has a lot of hang time.

This is my favorite basketball photo of the year. It's great because I really see no blur, it's clear, and I love the expressions on their faces.

This is such a cute picture because Lindsey is actually smiling, they never seem to smile in the starting line up!


The main subject of this photo is the pile of wood. The secondary subject could be the field behind it. This picture definitely works better in black and white. I think the angle is what works well in this picture. It might have been better if there wasn't a pile of snow on the right side.

This is a photo of a little girl who obviously loves to get her picture taken! Her expression is great. It might have been a better picture if I got the hands that she was holding in the shot too.

The main subject of the photo is probably Macy and the secondary subject is Sara Gaier. I think it worked well that the daughter was reaching out and that Sara was smiling. I made this photo because I think that little girl is just so adorable.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Winter Light

The main subject of this photo is the lovely Emma Voss. There isn't much light in this picture, but when I think of winter light, I think of skies like this. Winter always seems kind of gloomy. I think the way her hair is blowing in this picture worked well. It might have been better if she didn't have a camera also, but that's not a big deal.  This is for the winter light assignment.
The main subject of this photo is the icicles. I think it worked well that two drops are coming off them. This might have been a better photo if the lights that are wrapped around them were lit up. I made this picture because there was actually some light in the sky for once and when I walked by these I knew I could take pictures of them and get the light in them. This was for the winter light assignment.

The main subject of this photo is the big icicle. There are also the lights wrapped around them and the trees in the background. I think the rule of thirds works good in this picture. Again, this picture could have been better if the lights were on. This is for the winter light assignment.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter Texture

This is a fence right outside of the school. I liked the way the snow was sticking to the metal, which is what makes this good for winter texture. It was bright outside and I think that made it a better picture. I made this picture because when I saw it, it caught my attention! This is for the winter texture assignment.
 This is a picture of some sort of plant outside my house. I think the snow that's on it is what worked well in the picture. This picture could have been better if the plant was completely in focus and maybe if it was a brighter day. This is for the winter texture assignment.

The main subject of this photo is a branch of a small pine tree. I like the texture of the pine needles and the snow on it. It could have been a better picture if it was taken at an earlier time of the day. I made this picture because I wanted to test out the focus on my camera that I haven't had for very long. This is for the winter texture assignment.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Professional Photographers

From John Maclean's album "Cityscapes"

From John Maclean's album "Cityscapes"
I love John Maclean's photos of cities. He either takes them in the perfect light, or at just the right time of night and gets all the lights of the city in them. The photo on top is a lit up city with mountains in the background and it looks amazing! The lighting on the second picture is perfect. There are shadows on the hills and the Hollywood sign is lit up, and the blue sky looks perfect with the clouds in it. The connection I would have to his photos would be that I love cities. I love seeing so many people, so many buildings, and seeing so many different and new things. My favorite city of all would be New Orleans. I just love trying new food, hearing new music, and meeting so many friendly people! The city with the best views I have seen though would either be Washington D.C. or Orlando, Florida. The pictures I have taken there were a lot like the one on top, but obviously not as good. The picture of the Hollywood sign reminds me of how much I want to go to California. There is where I would do a lot of sightseeing and enjoy the nice weather.

From Debbie Fleming Caffery's album "Katrina/Rita"
From Debbie Fleming Caffery's album "Destruction of Public Housing"
These photos were taken by Debbie Fleming Caffery. They are pictures of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. I feel a connection to these pictures because last summer I went to New Orleans with the youth group from my church. One of the days we were down there was our mission work day, which was probably my favorite day of the week. We were surprised to see that there was still so much to be fixed 6 years after the hurricane. The group I was in painted, cleaned, and built more walls in a school that was three floors with only three janitors. We took a tour of the city one day and went to the area that was hit worst by the hurricane. Most houses were rebuilt and are built to withstand a hurricane, but there were so many that seemed abandoned or just torn down. So these pictures just remind me of what caused the mess and what even sent us to New Orleans in the first place. I like the way Debbie Fleming Caffery takes her pictures because she can find the right angle and she is very unique. I also like the way she makes all of her pictures black and white when she takes pictures of such a serious subject.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Texture in Photography

Wood Textures by Alliec
The Mist by Darius Sinkevicius

Textures I by RealityDream

James Fitzgerald
Morning Dew by Joni Niemelä