Thursday, May 30, 2013

Open Theme

Rain rain go away...
The subjects of this photo would be the wind chime and the rain. I like that the rain is moving and the bottom of the wind chime is blurry, and the top is in focus. I also like it better in black and white because the color of the sky was kind of blah.

The main subject of this photo would be the bird feeder. It was right after it rained and the sun came out and I love the water droplets on it and it's kind of foggy on the inside. I also like how the colors are bright and the grass actually looks super green.

This is a picture of the rain hitting the ground hard. I like that you can see some drops hitting it right at the time the picture was taken. I don't know what it is, but there is something right in the shot and it makes it kind of blurry. I wish that could have been avoided.

1 comment:

  1. hi Erin,
    You've got some great photographs here! I would love to use your wind chime photograph in a presentation I'm putting together for my masters class. I would give you credit for the picture in my presentation. Would you be ok with this?
