Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Light & Shadow

This is some tangled up wire with its shadow on a piece of tin. I really did not think this picture was any good, until I turned it to black and white. Now I actually really like it and the way it's clear up front and the background is blurred out. 
This picture could have been better if I had taken different shots of it and gotten it more clear. I do like the angle I took the picture combined with the way the light is coming from for the shadows. I don't even know what to say this is a picture of really, but I took it because of the shadows!

This was a bolt that was just sticking out of our old barn. It could have been better if the shadow was more defined. I like it a lot better in black and white. I think the angle I took the picture was good and the top of the bolt is in focus, and nothing else because nothing else is really important.


  1. The wire picture is really cool. The shadows look like actual wires!!

  2. I like the old bolt picture.
