Friday, January 25, 2013

Open Theme #1

The main subject of this photo is Tyler Johnson about to shoot. The secondary subject is Kyle Hauge guarding him. I think this picture worked well because it is an action shot but it's pretty much all clear. I made this picture because I take pictures of pretty much everything when Mrs. Matson lets me use her camera! This is for the open theme assignment.

The main subject of this photo is Mikey Dux shooting. I think the picture is good because he's still in the air and holding his follow through. I made this picture because I love taking pictures of sports. This is for the open theme assignment.
The main subject of this photo is the girls' basketball team. I think the reflections on the court are what works well in this picture. I made this picture because some of the girls told me to take pictures of them and this one caught my attention. This is for the open theme assignment.
I really like this picture of the sunrise because the colors are so bright, and the trees are completely black. It might have been better if I had taken the picture a little earlier when the color were even brighter. I made this picture because the second I woke up I knew this needed to be photographed! This is for the open theme assignment.

When we were ice skating on the river, I noticed this heart bubble in the ice. The scrapes from the skates make it look better, in my opinion. This might have been a better picture if I tried taking it from a few different angles. I made this picture because when I saw this it amazed me! This is for the open theme assignment.

This is a picture of my friend's cat, Simba Meowgi. I like that the focus is only on the cat. I made this picture because I think this is probably the cutest cat in the entire world. This is for the open theme assignment.

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