Monday, April 8, 2013


After all the snow melted, we had a million puddles in our yard, so I think this picture shows warmth. I like how most of the boot is in focus, and you can see the water splashing. It could have been better if more of it was clear. I turned it to black and white because the water and ground were really gross colors before.

I think this picture shows warmth because you can see the shadow of this stick because the sun is out, and the sun is melting the snow. You can see some snow in the back, but the ground is bare other than that. I think there was a fuzzy spot on my camera lens, and I wish I would have realized it when I was taking pictures.

I think this picture shows warmth because you can see some of the ice, but it is melting and turning into water. There are some gross looking particles and stuff in it, and if they were gone it could have been a better picture. I like the way the bubbles are clear though. Again, I turned it to black and white because the water was a gross color before.

1 comment:

  1. I like the boot one a lot-and it does "say" warmth....melting snow, ice etc. Black and white works with that one too. The limited depth of field is really nice for that shot too-you can almost feel the splashing!
